You Can Have An Out-Of-Body Experience - Easily & Quickly.

Astral Travel

Mind Machines use sophisticated patterns of light and sound to guide you gently and automatically into altered states of consciousness.


"If you’re honestly interested in giving your meditations a huge boost and if you’re seriously interested in giving your Astral Projections a kick in the rear, then I have absolutely no doubt that this machine [The Kasina AVS SYSTEM] will give you the non-physical focus you’re looking for."
----- Xanth (Ryan) - Senior Moderator at Astral Pulse forum


There are five Mind Machines that we especially recommend for helping with Out Of Body Experiences.

Click on the images below to find out more about each of them.




InnerPulse DeLuxe
InnerPulse DeLuxe





How Do Mind Machines Work ?

Mind Machines make use of the brain's natural tendency to follow the frequency of light and sound.

They use a sophisticated form of audio and visual technology to guide you gently and automatically into a deep state of mind and body.

Star lightA Mind Machine consists of a small control unit (about the size of a smart phone), a set of headphones and special glasses that contain small LED lights.

Through the headphones you'll hear special tones and pulses (known as binaural and isochronic beats) that have been shown to be very helpful for leading the brain into more relaxed states.

At the same time, the lights in the glasses start to flash at the same frequency as the audio tones. (You would normally have your eyes closed, but you can see the lights gently flickering behind your closed eyelids.).

The pulses of light and sound start off quite fast as they need to engage your brain which ticks over fast at the normal level of consciousness.

Astral ProjectionGradually, the pulses slow down and your brain will automatically slow down in unison.

The imagery created by the light and sound provides a focus for your mind and quiets internal dialogue or chatter. The various areas of your brain begin to integrate into one whole, harmonious unit as experienced by masters of meditation.

The tone, frequency and other parameters of the light and sound vary the effect. Mind Machines have many different types of sessions built into them for entering trance states, relaxation, meditation, stimulation, creative visualisation and so on.


These are the four Mind Machines that we think are particularly good for helping with astral projection.





InnerPulse DeLuxe

InnerPulse Deluxe




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“I only wish I had known about and bought a Meditation machine sooner. Seriously it's the best investment I can think of!”

Clare Thomas - Dundee

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As seen on TV's 'The Gadget Show'

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